Janira Beltrán-Sellés

Janira Beltrán-Sellés

Janira Beltrán-Sellés (Taxation, Corporate & Commercial Law, Trusts & Estates)

Mrs. Beltrán-Sellés is a Tax Attorney with 20 years of business experience. She is admitted to practice law in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and was recognized for passing the entire Uniform CPA Examination on her first attempt, achieving Puerto Rico’s highest score in November 1995.

Her past experience includes working as an internal auditor for GTE Service Corporation from 1996 to 1998 and as a Tax Compliance Specialist for Ernst & Young, LLP from 1998 to 2000. She first joined Pellot-González on 2002 where she represented a variety of clients in dealings with local, state and federal tax agencies. She also provided counseling for clients in tax exemptions and credit requests under various tax incentives laws.

In 2005, Mrs. Beltrán was appointed Deputy Secretary of Administrative Appeals for the Puerto Rico Department of Treasury. During her tenure, she was responsible for planning, directing, coordinating and supervising appeals functions related to income, excise, payroll and sales and use tax deficiency cases. She also administered adjudicative functions mandated by the Puerto Rico Uniform Administrative Procedures Act and acted as an Administrative Judge for the Department of Treasury in cases involving taxpayers’ claims against final decisions taken by the Secretary of Treasury. In connection with her duties, she was in active communication with the Puerto Rico Department of Justice and other government agencies to assist with technical issues and procure streamlined resolution of pending cases. She also participated in the drafting of the 2006 Tax Reform Project and drafted administrative procedures regulations.

She rejoined Pellot-González, P.S.C. on 2008 as Shareholder of the firm. Her main practice areas include taxation of income (federal and local), property and volume of business; tax exemption; trusts and estate planning; and corporate law.

University of Puerto Rico School of Law, Juris Doctor; Cum Laude
University of Puerto Rico, B.B.A, Accounting; Magna Cum Laude

Puerto Rico Bar Association
Puerto Rico Society of Certified Public Accountants

E-mail: beltran@pellot-gonzalez.com
Phone: (787) 250-6300
Fax: (787) 250-6330